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Memperbaiki komputer sering restart

Diantara beberapa masalah atau kerusakan yang sering terjadi pada sebuah komputer adalah kondisi dimana komputer sering restart sendiri. Kondisi komputer sering restart ini tentu saja sangat menjengkelkan terutama apabila kita sedang melakukan pekerjaan kemudian secara tiba-tiba komputer restart sendiri sedangkan kita belum sempat menyimpan dokumen atau menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut. Menurut pengalaman saya pribadi terdapat beberapa penyebab yang dapat mengakibatkan komputer sering restart sendiri, diantaranya adalah:

1. Komputer sering restart karena Processor kepanasan
Processor yang kepanasan (overheat) adalah salah satu penyebab utama komputer anda atau sering restart sendiri. Untuk mengecek terjadinya overheat pada Processor dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, diantaranya:

Melihat kondisi temperatur pada menu Hardware Monitor di BIOS
Menggunakan program monitoring temperatur seperti misalnya CPUID Hardware Monitor
Mengecek secara manual yaitu dengan membuka casing CPU dan meraba sendiri temperatur pada bagian Pendingin (Cooler) Processor.
Penyebab utama dari Processor yang kepanasan ini juga terdapat beberapa hal:

Kondisi kipas angin (fan) yang terdapat pada pendingin Processor yang sudah tidak optimal (misalnya macet karena debu)
Menumpuknya debu pada sirip-sirip Pendingin Processor, ini adalah hal yang sering terjadi terutama apabila ruangan tempat penyimpanan komputer berdebu.
Sudah keringnya atau bahkan tidak adanya thermal paste yang merekatkan antara Processor dan Pendinginnya.
Kondisi ruangan tempat penyimpanan komputer yang memang panas.
Untuk mengatasi komputer sering restart karena Procesor kepanasan (overheat) ini kita bisa melakukan beberapa hal diantaranya:
Senantiasa membersihkan debu yang terdapat dalam Casing CPU dan Pendingin Processor. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuas cat yang bersih dan vacum cleaner kecil.
Menggunakan thermal paste sebagai penghubung yang merekatkan bagian Processor dan Pendingin. Untuk thermal paste yang sudah kering sebaiknya diganti.
Menyimpan komputer diruangan yang tidak terlalu panas (lebih baik ber-AC). Seandainya terpaksa harus menyimpan komputer di ruangan yang cukup panas, maka sebaiknya lengkapi casing CPU dengan kipas angin tambahan.
Menggunakan program monitoring temperatur seperti misalnya CPUID Hardware Monitor untuk mengetahui secara dini kondisi overheat pada Processor. Program ini dapat Anda download disini. Screenshootnya dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

2. Komputer sering restart karena Power Supply yang kekurangan daya
Penyebab kedua komputer sering restart adalah kurangnya daya atau sudah tidak optimalnya bagian Power Supply yang mensupply daya pada CPU. Hal ini bisa terjadi misalnya karena macetnya atau matinya Kipas angin (fan) yang terdapat pada power supply, sehingga terjadi overheat pada komponen Power Supply itu sendiri. Apabila anda merasa curiga dengan performa Power Supply yang terpasang sebaiknya ganti dulu bagian power Supply ini dengan Power Supply yang terbukti berfungsi baik. Untuk keperluan komputer sekarang, sebaiknya pakailah sebuah Power Supply dengan daya minimal 530 Watt.

3. Komputer sering restart karena VGA Card rusak
Komputer sering restart sendiri juga bisa terjadi karena rusaknya bagian VGA Card yang terpasang pada slot AGP atau PCI. Biasanya VGA Card yang rusak akan terasa cepat panas pada bagian pendinginnya, selain itu tampilan gambar pada layar monitorpun menjadi rusak. Untuk itu apabila komputer Anda sering restart ada baiknya juga untuk mengecek komponen tersebut.

4. Komputer sering restart karena Hardisk bad sector
Sebuah hardisk yang rusak atau bahkan terdapat bad sector didalamnya dapat menjadi penyebab komputer menjadi hang, muncul pesan bluescreen of deadth atau komputer ga bisa booting dan me-restart terus. Untuk mencegah keruksakan sekaligus memperbaiki hardisk tersebut kita bisa menjalankan program scandisk/checkdisk, men-defrag hardisk secara teratur dan pastikan selalu mematikan komputer dengan menekan tombol shutdown.

5. Komputer sering restart karena RAM rusak
RAM yang rusak juga bisa menyebabkan komputer sering restart, hal ini pernah saya alami beberapa waktu yang lalu. Saat itu komputer selalu restart ketika dinyalakan meskipun saya telah memastikan tidak ada masalah dengan hardware yang lain, komputer tetap tidak bisa booting dan selalu restart meskipun masuk ke windows safe mode. Saya kemudian mengganti RAM yang terpasang, dan akhirnya komputer bisa berjalan normal kembali.

Demikianlah tentang beberapa penyebab dan cara memperbaiki komputer sering restart, semoga bisa membantu..


How To Increase Your Personal Cash Flow

How To Increase Your Personal Cash Flow

Financial independence or freedom does not just happen by accident. Many people are waiting to win the lottery. Sorry to disappoint you, but that will not happen. Financial independence requires that you take deliberate steps.
An important step along the path to financial independence is increasing the amount of money available to you. This money can help you reduce debt and also help you to build a nest egg. There are two ways to achieve this goal. One way is to manage your expenses, and the second way is to increase your available income.
How to manage expenses
Make every attempt possible to spend less than you earn. This may seem obvious, but it is very difficult for many people. If you keep spending more than you earn, you will always struggle financially. If you develop a habit of spending less than you earn, you would have taken the first step towards financial independence.
Create a budget by looking at your monthly expenses. Differentiate between your wants and your needs.
Take a good look at all your insurance policies, like auto, home owners, and medical. Try and increase the deductibles on your insurance policies to an appropriate level. This will reduce your premiums, and hence increase your cash flow.
When doing your grocery shopping, look out for store brands. They are less expensive.
Earn tax deductions by starting your own business. Some of the tax deductions you may be able to make are:
• Self-Employment Tax Deduction
• Home Office
• Health Insurance Premiums
• Meals and Entertainment
• Internet and Phone
• Interest on Business Loans and Business Credit Card Interest
• Car
• Travel
• Education
Please do not consider the above as tax advice. Always seek tax advice from your tax consultant.
If you are considered to be on low income, talk to the utilities companies. They may consider giving you a discount on your utility bills.
How to increase your available income
One of the ways you can increase your available income is to take on a second career, or part-time job for additional income.
Look through the house and find things in the house you can sell either on eBay or in a garage sale. You will be amazed at the amount of money you can make from this. You can sell things like dvds, furniture, electronics, books etc. You will make extra money from the sales, and also create additional space in your home!
You can offer a service that other people would pay for. For example you can offer services like teaching, translating etc to make some extra money weekly.
You can also be a part of focus groups online by taking surveys and sharing your thoughts about certain products and services. Be careful about the online surveys though, many of them ask you to pay money upfront and offer you little or nothing in return.
Consult your tax consultant about adjusting your W-2 allowances if you are expecting a tax refund.
Thoroughly go through your last three years' tax returns to make sure that you did not miss out on any deductions that were available to you. If you missed out on deductions, file an amendment to your taxes.
Of course you can always ask your employers for a raise at work, or offer to work additional hours for overtime pay.
Once you are able to create additional income, you can now begin to invest in order to achieve financial independence.

Article Source:
How to Get Started in Earning Money through Affiliate Marketing

How to Get Started in Earning Money through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing offers earning opportunities, making it as one of the fastest growing industry in the World Wide Web today. It produces billions of dollars worth of income yearly. That is why many people are getting involved in it.

However, most of them are just getting into the jive of earning money without a concrete plan. You will have no strategies to be implemented, no guidelines to be followed.

In case that you are planning to get yourself involved in affiliate marketing, bear in your mind that it is a serious work. Though it is one of the easier ways of earning additional income, it still requires effort, perseverance, and a clear plan of action from your starting point up to the finish line.

To start things with, here are some of the elements that you need to consider in engaging yourself in affiliate marketing:

• Having your little home office is the initial element that you need to consider in starting your affiliate career.
Have your office workspace comfortable to work with. Make sure that it has enough illumination and your personal computer has enough ventilation as well.

• You must have some basic knowledge of trading online. It is necessary to be well trained in order to achieve success in this career. In case you are still unfamiliar of the system, you can get the necessary training that you need.

You can start by looking for some affiliate-marketing professionals who already earned substantial extra income and let them guide you on the system. The Internet also offers different resources and conference timetables, which you can attend to learn.

• Set a realistic target so that you can put the necessary plans to reach it. For instance, $1,000 is attainable if you are a first time affiliate marketer.

Since the popularity of affiliate marketing is increasing, it leads to an increase of earning opportunities. Now, you will ask yourself, “How will I choose the right affiliate marketing program?” and “Which of it will give me that good chance of earning a substantial income?”

The preceding sections can help you decide on those matters pertaining to affiliate marketing. These will help you evaluate different opportunities and saving your personal resources as well.

The Commission

Of course, that is the bottom line. How much will you earn from a sale? There is no point of endorsing a product or a service if you will not earn from it.

It will lead you in spending more on marketing it rather than making sales. Stick on a program that offers high commission values, possibly on a 50 percent basis.

Traffic on the Merchant’s Website

Try to know the traffic that the merchant’s site is receiving. You can use this standard for you to determine which you will affiliate.

If a certain website ranked in the top 100,000, this means that website has a good volume of traffic and it has vast amount of affiliates. If it is ranked below 500,000, then it means you get either a little opportunity or nothing at all.

Always conduct some research if the merchant’s site is getting good web traffic. It will help you decide where that gold mine is hiding.

Pay-out Periods

It is important to know how often you will receive your paychecks. There are merchants that release the commission of their affiliates in weekly basis. Others are monthly or quarterly. Your target will not be met if your financial resources will run out.

Tracking Cookies

Usually, potential customers will just be making some visit and will not make any purchase immediately. It is important that the merchant’s website use cookies to track these customers so that you will be able to get the credit once he returns and buys anything in that site. The longer these tracking cookies last, the higher the chance you will be paid.

Merchant’s Promotional Resources

In advertising, promotional resources are vital elements. Check the type and quality of these promotional materials that they are offering to their affiliates.

Look if there are articles or reviews posted in free article sites, special offers, and free samples.

Sometimes, it is wise that you use your own advertisement strategies. There are affiliate programs that use the same ads over and over again. By placing some fresh ads, the impression of the prospect is that it is a new product.

Affiliate marketing is full of surprises. Follow the aforementioned starting elements and pointers and start your affiliate career by hitting a gold mine.
Affiliate Program: the Key to Successful Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Program: the Key to Successful Affiliate Marketing

The e-business is very much popular today. This started when the internet was introduced in the world and the way we look at business was never the same. It opened a lot of doors and a lot of Pandora’s box as well. I am not going to paint you a rosy picture, there is as much negative as there are positive in the internet.

There are many strategies and ways for businesses to flourish in the internet. One is the affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a way of allowing website to earn an income from their website by displaying the adverts, links to banners of a merchant or by carrying contextual advertising.

Affiliate marketing is a popular method of promoting e- businesses in which an affiliate is rewarded for every visitor, subscriber or costumer provided through his efforts. The compensation may be made based on a certain value for each visit or pay-per-click, registrant or pay-per-lead and commission for each costumer or sale or pay-per-sale.

In affiliate marketing, an affiliate program is necessary. Affiliate program is a partnership with an online merchant who compensates any sales that is being sent by a merchant via links on the site.

Affiliate programs are also arrangements in which an online merchant web site pays affiliate web sites a commission to send them traffic. These affiliate web sites posts links to the merchant site and are paid according to a particular agreement.

The agreement is usually based on the number of people the affiliate sends to the merchant’s site, or the number of people they send who actually buy something or perform some other action.

Some arrangements pay according to the number of people who visit the page containing their merchant site’s banner advertisement. Basically, it is a link on an affiliate site brings the merchant site traffic or money; the merchant site’s pays the affiliate site according to their agreement.

Recruiting an affiliate is an excellent way to sell products online and it is a cheap and effective marketing strategy. It is a good method to get word about the site.

There are three parties in an affiliate program transaction; the costumer, the affiliate site and the merchant site.

There are many affiliate programs available in the web today. it is very important to make one’s affiliate program stand out and catch the attention of professional affiliate marketers.

The following are some tips on making affiliate program stand out from the massive amount of competition that are available.

• Provide your affiliate partners with creative and promotional materials. Make it an aim to make their job of marketing the products or services as easy as possible. The less work they have to do and the more conversions they see, the more likely they are to promote the products or services.

• Don’t try to sell everything to everyone. This is the quickest way to fail in a business venture.

• Communicate with the partners by welcoming them to affiliate program send out updates on products additions or changes. Give them tips and advise on how to be successful in marketing products. Always pay them on time and take care of them.

• Once claimed, the niche market research, find web sites that have viewers interested in the niche market. Finds partners that has already built a traffic and would benefit from the affiliate offer. The offer should be a win-win situation for both.

• Don’t rest on your laurels just because there are a few good partners. They may decide to jump ship. Protect one by actively recruiting new partners. Try finding new partners by advertising the affiliate program on the web site, listing or advertising in affiliate directories and by contracting potential affiliates directly.

Affiliate programs works best when affiliates choose products, services and companies that match the content of their web site and would interests their readers. If a content web site chooses affiliate programs well, everybody involved in the process wins.

The affiliate wins because it is able to sell products to its visitors without having to run an e- commerce business. The merchant site wins because it gets a piece of the profit for setting everything up and the web surfer wins because the affiliate web site directs her to products she would be interested in, which she can purchase easily.

An affiliate program can be successful if it effectively links commerce and content and takes advantage of the respective strengths of site and its affiliates. All kinds of people might buy different things like books online.

Successful affiliate marketing program takes time to build, but with a bit of effort, it has the ability to increase the internet sales noticeably.

ram takes time to build, but with a bit of effort, it has the ability to increase the internet sales noticeably.
The Right Diet To Lose Weight is The One That Works For You

The Right Diet To Lose Weight is The One That Works For You

Since there are about 310 million people living in the US as of the 2010 census, that works out to about 103,000,000 people who are overweight in America. That is a truly enormous amount of people.
And every year approximately 65 million of those people start on some sort of diet program. These figures have stayed the same for at least a decade. Each year, 65 million overweight people start a diet to lose weight. The next year, there are still 65 million overweight people...who start another diet. Obviously, something isn't working.
What's happening is that all these people are choosing the wrong diets, over and over. When you choose the right diet to lose weight, the weight comes off and it stays off.
So, how do you avoid the wrong diet and pick the right diet to lose weight, once and for all? How do you know the diet you're following is the one that's going to get you off the weight loss/weight gain roller coaster? It's easy!
The right diet to lose weight is the one that works with your body's natural, genetic rhythms, and not against them, to produce natural and sustainable weight loss. It combines regular and vigorous exercise with caloric substitution, not caloric reduction. You can lose one pound of weight every week, week in and week out, simply by cutting 500 calories per day through diet and exercise. A half hour of exercise, 5 days a week, and reaching for a glass of water instead of a soft drink is often all it takes to produce sustained and sustainable weight loss.
Most diets simulate what our bodies interpret as famine. When the body senses these signals, it automatically takes steps to preserve what nutritional stores of fat already exist. It keeps the fat for later and lets go of water weight and muscle tissue.
What this means is that most dieters are not losing any body fat. All they are losing is stored water and muscle mass. As soon as the calories go back up, the body thinks the famine is over and starts restoring the status quo.
The end result? All the weight that was lost during the "famine" is regained. And you are right back where you started, if not even heavier. You are worth the few minutes it takes to search out and discover the dieting program that works for you. You deserve it.
Male Yeast Infections: Home Remedies

Male Yeast Infections: Home Remedies

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax ester from the seeds of the jojoba plants. It's been used widely ever since the ban of whale oils in the US in 1941, being superior to whale oils in every way. It has a high stability since it does not oxidize easily and therefore can be stored away for long periods of time without any artificial preservative or refrigeration. This keeps it pure and free from any harmful chemicals that are added to most of the products you use today.

You may have noticed that this oil is present in a vast majority of health care or skin products today as a fundamental ingredient like shampoos, moisturizers, sun-screens and is also commonly used in the cosmetics industry.

> Why is it so widely used in these products? >

It has many benefits for the skin due to its properties. What properties does it have then?

It is antibacterial and antifungal. Cuts, sores, bruises can easily be treated with jojoba oil to prevent any infection. It encourages the growth of new cells and thus accelerates the healing process. More significant problems such as rashes and eczema can also be treated with it to calm and soothe the skin in addition to killing any potential germs which might inflame the situation. Any itchiness caused by the rash can be eased by application of jojoba oil as well.

It helps treat and combat wrinkles and fine lines on your face. It hydrates the skin so well that eventually, these wrinkles and lines will slowly fade out and have a reduced visibility. If you have any stretch marks on your face, jojoba oil can also help fade them away.

It moisturizes the skin extremely well, especially if you have rough skin. When applied on your skin, jojoba oil quickly penetrates deeply into the skin and pores and keeps it hydrated. It is not greasy and therefore does not cause a "shine" on your skin like other moisturizers do. Extra preservatives and chemicals present in moisturizers are absent in jojoba oil. This makes it an excellent choice for a natural moisturizer.

Jojoba oil treats acne very effectively. It gives the skin an impression that it is already hydrated enough and that no more sebum should be produced. As you know, sebum is the main cause of acne since it clogs pores and causes it to inflame. It is also non-comedogenic which means it is safe to use even if you are acne prone as it does not clog any pores, unlike sebum. This basically means that less sebum, less breakout. It also greatly helps with existing acne conditions by killing bacteria in the skin which causes inflammation.

For existing acne scars, jojoba oil can help fade them away because they encourage new cell growth. These new cells will rapidly replace the old ones and over time, the scars will fade away.

Many skin products like moisturizers and lotions contain pH which is inappropriate for the skin. Jojoba oil safely restores the skin's natural pH level. This makes it a safe and ideal for use on skin.

Jojoba oil is extremely safe for use for all types of skin because it is non toxic and comes directly from seeds of a plant and is hypoallergenic. This means that it doesn't irritate the skin even if your skin is very sensitive and can be safely used on areas around the eye. This makes it ideal for doing things like removing eye makeup or fading away dark circles.

It is excellent and very effective in reversing the signs of aging. Its rich antioxidant properties help combat the effects of free radicals and promote a younger look.

If you want an attractive look, jojoba oil gives you that healthy shine and gives the appearance of a soft and healthy skin. It does not cause greasiness since it is non greasy.

These are only some of the many jojoba oil benefits. There are thousands of good reviews posted on the web ever since its inception. jojoba oil guarantees a risk-free healthy and attractive skin with no risks from chemicals and preservatives. Give it a shot and let it amaze you (and your skin).
Auschwitz Death Camp

Auschwitz Death Camp

Auschwitz was the most notorious of the Nazi labor camps in WWII. There, a man or woman could expect at any moment to be sent to the gas chambers, used for medical experiments or given a phenol injection to the heart which would cause death in 15 seconds. If lucky, they would instead be used for exhaustive labor under the most grueling conditions.

A selection committee decided who was fit for labor and who would be used for medical experiments or exterminated. One 'doctor' drew an arbitrary height line of 5 feet 2 inches and any child who was not tall enough was sent to the gas chambers immediately.
Many were sent to the chambers directly upon arriving at Auschwitz. For that reason records do not exist for all of the people who were killed.
Their horrible suffering and the conditions they endured were beyond belief. People would tell each other lies just to give hope. "The allies have landed in Greece". The implication was that they would be rescued soon. There were many other stories concocted to keep one another from utter despair.
After Auschwitz was closed and the inmates released there was a reckoning. The Nazis were hunted down over the years and brought to account for their crimes one by one.
The time of Nazi Germany has ended. Yet, there exists forced labor camps in China today while Holocaust survivors still live. Have we learned nothing from history?
The labor camps in China, much like the Nazi death camps, are used to harm those whom the Chinese Communist Party does not like. They are also used to attempt to break the will and spirit of those who practice the peaceful meditation practice of Falun Gong.
From these camps the Chinese Communist Party derives a source of free labor. The goods are exported for profit and consumption around the world. Similar to the Nazi camps, these nightmarish dens of horror are a source of suffering, torture and death. Why are they tolerated? Isn't it time that they are dismantled and eliminated?
The famous poet Elie Wiesel, himself an Auschwitz survivor, had this to say, "I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Simon Wiesenthal, another labor camp survivor who helped bring many Nazi criminals to justice said this. "For your benefit, learn from our tragedy. It is not a written law that the next victims must be Jews. It can also be other people. We saw it begin in Germany with Jews, but people from more than twenty other nations were also murdered. When I started this work, I said to myself, I will look for the murderers of all the victims, not only the Jewish victims. I will fight for justice."
The Chinese Communist Party is responsible for the use of forced labor camps that house many Chinese citizens today. To do nothing is to ignore the lessons of the past as well as the suffering of the present. Isn't it time to speak up?
Call a Chinese embassy or official and let them know what you think of their forced labor camps. Tell them to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Do not remain silent.
Who Is The Typical Business Golfer?

Who Is The Typical Business Golfer?

In the past, it may have been easier to identify the typical business golfer. They may have been older, established gentlemen, who had succeeded in life and in business. They may have worn grey suits to the office, and been traditionalists.

These days, however, the typical business golfer is about as typical as the entrepreneur is themselves. They are just as likely to be the twenty-year-old computer whiz kid in Converse sneakers as they are to be the distinguished gentleman who sits in the corner office.
The typical business golfer these days cannot be picked out of a crowd based on how he (or she) looks, but there are still similarities between them, under the surface.
They Are Passionate
If there is one common trait that every business golfer shares with every other business golfer, it is a passion for the game of golf, and for the business world. Combining business and golf is the perfect way for them to combine those two passions, and they tend to spend plenty of time doing both.
It's multi tasking at it's best for the movers and shakers out there, and there seems to be no stopping the number of entrepreneurs taking their passion for business to the golf course.
They Are Social, and They Are Competitive
Your typical business golfer is probably an entrepreneur who has either already reached success, or is well on their way, thanks to many different traits, two of which (sociability and competitiveness) they can express perfectly on the course, and in the boardroom.
These golfers enjoy being around people, which makes them both great golfers, and great sales people, and they like to test themselves constantly, which is exactly what every great entrepreneur should be doing, on the course and off.
They Are Focused On Learning and Growing
Today's business golfers are not all fantastic on the course - yet. Many may not have reached the critical turning point in their business either, where they find true success, but they are fully engaged in the process, and they are committed to growing and learning.
The new business golfer understands that in business, as in golf, you start at the bottom, and climb gradually until you reach success, and they are willing to put in the work it takes to get there.
They Know the Importance of Relationships
Business has always been about relationships, but as the world has gotten smaller, thanks to the internet and other technologies, and since competition in business has gotten stronger, it has become more important than ever to create and sustain mutually beneficial business relationships. The new business golfer knows that, and uses their time on the golf course to create connections with the people they play with.
The good news for the modern business golfer is that they are no longer alone in pursuing these goals, on the course or off. There are innovative programs that are marrying the best in business learning, networking, and sharing with the passion and fun of golf. That allow you to mix the social aspects of golf seamlessly into your business, and that combine everything with growth and learning.
Again, it's multi tasking at it's best, and it's the way of the future.
The Save Money With Prepaid Calling Cards-Business

The Save Money With Prepaid Calling Cards-Business

Communication is an indispensable part of our existence. We share ideas and express thoughts through it. And with the innovations brought about by the dawn of technology, communication is still possible even if you and the person you would want to communicate with are miles apart!

The best service you can get from a highly regarded phone carries is one that allows you to call from a place without getting disconnected. Good coverage and a 24/7 customer service are also part of their offered services to give satisfaction to their subscribers and customers.
Because there is a high demand in communication, many telecommunications company have mushroomed into the market to offer their services and supply with the demands of the increasing subscribers. Obviously, competition is something constant in the field of phone carriers.
As a subscriber, you want a phone carrier company that can give you good customer services and as well as quality communication services. Of course, you don't want to encounter problems like bad coverage area, no signal, and busy tone and out of reach customer services. These are just some of the many reasons why a subscriber switches from one phone carrier to another.
Due to the mentioned problems, carriers now offer various features and services that a subscriber would want to exert a pull on more customers. However, most of these features are just tittle-tattle and often times can only be used on the subscription's first month. Broken promises are another among the many reasons why subscribers go on looking for a better phone carrier.
So, if a company offers a new technology as an add-on feature to their services, they instantly present it to their customers. But more often than not, these features are only given and enjoyed by post paid subscribers.
If you do not want to encounter any of these problems, then, stop your subscription. Most practical subscribers use prepaid calling cards. The use of this kind of service will not only help in saving money but also help you save almost half of your bill! It saves you from monthly bills.
Prepaid calling cards give you a sense of control. It helps you limit your calls because you are only given a certain amount of time per amount of your card. These prepaid cards also expire. So before it expires, you have to use up all the minutes on your phone because any remaining minutes are not transferred and credited into your next prepaid calling card purchase.
When you use prepaid calling card, budgeting your call expenses is easy. There are various prepaid cards that are made available by many phone carriers. First, you have to choose your phone carrier. You can base it on what type of services you would want to have. Then, since there are too many prepaid calling cards out there, may be you would want to check them all out first to figure out which one meets your calling needs. Once you have chosen the prepaid card, purchase it. Now you are just a "ring" away from your loved one, family, friends or business partner.
Women Can Get Great Benefits From Whey Protein

Women Can Get Great Benefits From Whey Protein

Are you concerned about taking care of your body before and after strenuous activities or workouts? Do you try to avoid supplements that contain additives and possible side effects? I am very particular about what I am putting into my body at all times. I hate the idea of eating or taking something that I am not sure about what it is suppose to do or what side effects may be caused.

If you are interested in better health and improved physical fitness you have surely heard thatbodybuilders and other athletes are turning to a simple, natural supplement called whey protein. Whey is the only supplement I take besides my daily multivitamin that I feel safe taking. So lets cover a few questions or concerns many women have about taking protein.
Protein levels are depleted through exercise. Muscles require amino acids to prevent deterioration, give endurance and build mass. Proteins supply these amino acids to the muscles which is why athletes use whey protein. If you want to gain muscle you have to make sure you have the building blocks for it. Women need protein the same ways that men do so do not be afraid of it.
Commercial whey protein comes from cow's milk. Whey is the by-product of making cheese and was usually thrown away as a waste product. Now researchers know that whey protein is high quality, natural protein that is rich with amino acids essential for good health and muscle building. It is naturally found in mother's milk and also used in baby formula. It is being considered for use as a fortifier of grain products because of its considerable health benefits and bland flavor.
Although protein is also found in other foods such as meat, soy and vegetables, whey protein is proven to have the highest absorption (digestion) levels in comparison to all others.
Whey protein has many health benefits including immune support, bone health, sports health, weight management and overall well being. And as women, we need all the help we can get to keep out bones strong and supportive. Plus overall health is not a bad thing either. The better nutrition you have in your life the less likely that the flu or other bugs will come knocking on your door.
Because amino acids are 'building blocks' for the human body it is sometimes used by patients to speed up the healing of wounds or burns.
The high quality protein that comes from whey makes it a recommended choice for those who need optimal benefits from restricted diets including diabetics, those on weight management diets and even ill patients not able to consume enough protein in their diet to assist with healing.
Whey protein is a food and so it does not have have the risks associated with other supplements. That said, too much of anything carries risks. Extremely high use of whey protein can overload the liver which can cause serious problems. Moderation is always recommended.
If you are lactose intolerant you might try whey protein isolate which has less than 1% lactose and should be tolerable for most users.
Whey protein is a natural and healthy way to bring protein into your diet and increase well being.
No, women lack the hormones that men have that allow them to get those large bulky muscles. Women will get an overall toned appearance without looking like the Hulk. Those women you see in body building competitions more often than not achieve their unusual frame by injecting additional hormones or supplements into their body. But no, with the use of whey you will not look like these women.
If you buy the powder you will be able to do a lot more than just simple shakes. But for shakes be create.
Mix the whey with milk and maybe add some strawberries or blueberries to make the best shakes around!
When you bake cookies scoop some whey in for a power cookie
If you drink coffee but some chocolate whey in to make a great mocha
The possibilities are endless, get your creative juices going!
